Transformative Vision Therapy

Transformative Vision Therapy is a form of spiritual medicine. It utilizes the practice of shamanic journeying for emotional and psychological healing beyond what might be accessible in traditional talk therapy or clinical settings. Shamanic journeying can be an avenue to explore when traditional Western paths have failed, or it can function as a complement to that kind of work. The process engages the symbolic and emotional aspects of the mind, as well as the spiritual/metaphysical parts of the self. It can help integrate the insights from therapy and bring insights that the conscious mind is resisting. It honors our human wholeness by healing divisions between body and soul and creating space for us to connect with the divine/the numinous/the Beyond/the infinite.

Specifically, the practice of shamanic journeying allows one opportunities to

  • access deeper body wisdom and intuition for guidance or answers
  • loosen egoic defenses to recover messages and material from the unconscious that the ego might be blocking or resisting
  • receive energy and advice from spirit allies
  • identify or even remove emotional and energetic blocks
  • experience beneficial states of being – emotional, energetic, relational – which have not been available in the physical
  • create parallel memories that can be accessed later, like memories from physical experiences
  • discover symbols and potential future paths that can create deep emotional alignment for making changes in the physical world

I facilitate sober journeys that rely on drumming to evoke a light trance state. In that “liminal” state of openness to intuition and visions, clients are able to explore a world of symbols, allies, challenges, and possibilities.

I began training as a shaman in 2020, and have been facilitating on my own since 2021. I offer both in-person and Zoom-based sessions. I have regular group meetings and also offer one-to-one facilitation for clients who prefer more privacy, who wish to combine the shamanic journeys with mentoring, or who can’t make the group times.

If you are interested in working with me as a shaman, please reach out to to set up a consultation to make sure it’s the right method for you right now, and that I am the right provider for you right now.